Pu Zhiqiang

The name doesn’t exist
— %C6%D6 %D6%BE%C7%BF

The code is translated by the Chinese name ‘浦志强’ (Pu Zhiqiang)  through the ‘GB2312’ official character set.

Pu Zhiqiang is a Chinese civil rights lawyer who specialises in press freedom, defamation, and product safety, and other issues. Based in Beijing, he is an executive partner of the Huayi Law Firm. Pu is known for being a prominent member of the Weiquan movement, having advocated for writers and journalists in a number of high-profile cases. Due to the nature of the cases he has taken on and his criticism of official Chinese policies, Pu’s actions are monitored by the Chinese state security services, and he has been detained and questioned on several occasions.  —— Wikipedia


100x70x2.5 cm


2.50 kg with wooden inner frame


Acrylics & mixed materials on canvas




Solo exhibition – ‘La Cina e’ viCina’, OneOff Space, Lecco, Italy. 2013
Group exhibition – ‘Codici Minati’, Castle Doria,Porto Venere, Italy. 2012