Deng Zhengjia

The name doesn’t exist
— %B5%CB%D5%FD%BC%D3

The code is translated by the Chinese name ‘邓正加’ (Deng Zhengjia)  through the ‘GB2312’ official character set.

Deng Zhengjia was a Chinese fruit vendor who was killed in a confrontation with urban management officials on 17 July 2013. Deng, 56, was selling watermelons with his wife in Linwu, Hunan Province, when several officials reportedly confiscated some of their fruits and asked them to relocated to an area approved for street vending. The couple complied, and approximately 50 minutes later the chengguan officers returned. Witnesses said the officials struck Deng with a weight from his scale, and Linwu police said that Deng “unexpectedly fell to the ground and died”. According to witnesses on the scene, the officers continue to kick Deng after he fell, and refused to call emergency services.





100x70x2.5 cm


2.50 kg with wooden inner frame


Acrylics & mixed materials on canvas


